If this roasting hot weather is too much for you, Simon Šerc has recorded the windy Slovenian winter weather to temper your overwrought emotions. Bora Scura is over an hour of strangely soothing field recordings of banging outbuilding doors, farm machinery battling mother nature and rip-roaring wind doing its worst. Quite energising!

LINK: https://theletter.co.uk/blog/simon-serc-bora-scura

Due to location, the area of Ajdovšcina, a town in Vipava Valley (Slovenia), is highly exposed to Bora, a strong and cold wind which occurs 42 days per year on average. Some of the strongest gusts exceed the speed of 200 km/h with a record speed of 295 km/h. Simon Šerc captured all of these on 5 February 2015. This isn’t rock or metal, but it is kind of a heavy listen. There’s 10 tracks, or “actions” of the Bora wind with some occasion noises that filter in. Just like the variety of terms for snow, you get a mixture of sounds from the howling fury of “Climax” to the stressful whistling of “Pressure”. The banging wood of “Flux” could just drive you mad. I’d say that most people would be hard pressed to listen for pure enjoyment, but it could make for some interesting backgrounds. Recommended for fans of: Dark ambient, raging rapids, moving trains, vacuum cleaners, hurricanes

LINK: http://www.maximummetal.com/reviews/reviewresults.asp?idRelease=3713

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