The best sort of nature album, one that sits back and lets the local inhabitants strut their stuff. Biodukt distills the rhythms of a day down to a single hour, and provides a respite from worry and work. (ACL Recommendations)

Recorded in Italy and Slovenia, Biodukt is the aural reflection of a day spent in the forest, distilled to a single hour. The dual citizenship of these recordings reminds us that Gaia knows no borders. The biodiversity is incredible, as is the wealth of sounds. For those who can’t get to the woods, this is the next best thing: forest bathing for the ears. The album is a reminder of geographic time, the cycle of nature and the healing power of the sea. These tall trees care little for our plight, yet they are still able to offer an unintentional solace.

LINK: ACL 2020 ~ Top Ten Field Recording & Soundscape

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